Mainland business setup in Dubai allows businesses to operate in the onshore region, fully licensed by the Department of Economic Development (DED). With a diverse array of business activities to choose from, setting up in the mainland allows for the freedom to grow, trade, and operate without restrictions. 

Smiling couple with passports ready for vacation standing near travel offer


Private Companies
Private companies can issue new employment entry permits for their staff, provided they apply for a residence visa within 30 days of the employee’s arrival in the UAE.

For companies registered in a free zone, the employment visa is valid for three years. Onshore companies, however, will have a two-year validity period for their visas.

Additionally, employers are responsible for handling all travel arrangements for new hires, including obtaining the ‘okay to board’ clearance required by certain airlines.


(Kindly note that the following information is applicable exclusively to UAE residents).

If your family is residing outside the UAE, you need to apply for an entry residence visa before their arrival. Once they are in the country, you have up to 30 days to submit an application for the residence stamp.

To sponsor family members, your monthly income must be at least AED 4,000 (or AED 3,000 with accommodation provided). For sponsoring your parents, a minimum salary of AED 20,000 (or AED 19,000 with a two-bedroom accommodation) is required.

The required documents include:
– A typed application form.
– Salary certificate (for government employees) or an attested employment contract (for other employees).
– Bank statements from the last three months for long-term residents. New residents may submit the latest statement, but must also provide a bank letter confirming salary transfers.
– Attested tenancy contract, Emirates ID, and labor card.
– Attested marriage certificate (from UAE authorities for UAE marriages, or from your home country for spouse sponsorship).
– Original passports and copies of both the sponsor and family member(s).
– Medical examination report for spouses or children over 15 years of age from an approved hospital or clinic.
– Three passport-sized photos for each family member.

Please note, for a family member’s residence visa to remain valid, they must not be outside the UAE for more than six months. Additionally, if a Muslim expatriate is married to more than one wife, only one wife can be sponsored for a residence visa.


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