Do you have questions about SH Corporate Services, entrepreneurship, or starting a business in the UAE? Check out our FAQ section below for the answers you need.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What types of visas are available for the UAE?

The UAE offers various visa categories depending on the purpose of your stay, such as tourist visas, business visas, transit visas, and residence visas. Each visa type has its own eligibility criteria and validity periods.

What are the requirements for a UAE work visa?

To obtain a work visa in the UAE, you must have a job offer from a company based in the UAE. Your employer will initiate the application on your behalf. Key requirements often include a valid passport, medical clearance, and a job contract.

How long does it take to process a UAE visa?

Visa processing times vary based on the type of visa and the application method. On average, tourist visa applications may take anywhere from a few days to a week. Work visas, on the other hand, may take longer depending on additional documentation and approval procedures.

What documents do I need for a UAE residency visa?

For a residency visa, you will generally need proof of employment or property ownership, a valid passport, passport-sized photos, medical screening results, and potentially an Emirati sponsor if required for certain visa types.

What is the process for obtaining a UAE family visa?

A UAE family visa allows residents to sponsor their family members. To apply, you must meet certain income requirements and submit documents such as proof of relationship, medical certificates, and proof of accommodation.

Can I switch my visa type while in the UAE?

In certain cases, you may be able to switch visa types while staying in the UAE. For example, you could convert a tourist visa to a work visa if you secure employment. However, specific regulations and procedures apply, so it’s recommended to seek professional advice.

What are the penalties for overstaying a visa in the UAE?

Overstaying a visa in the UAE can lead to fines, detention, or deportation. It’s important to comply with the visa terms and renew it or exit the country before the expiration date to avoid penalties.

What are the rules for opening a business in the UAE?

Opening a business in the UAE requires obtaining a business license, completing various legal formalities, and fulfilling requirements related to office space, local sponsorship, and business activities. The rules can vary based on the type of business and its location within the UAE.

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